The Jewish Cemetery in Călăraşi, Moldova 2023
Cimitirul Evreiesc din Călărași, Moldova
The Jewish cemetery in Călăraşi, Republic of Moldova is a place of cultural and historical importance. It is presented as a memorial museum dating from the beginning of the 19th century. The cemetery is divided into two parts – the old part, with graves before the Second World War, and the new part, with graves from after the war. In the interwar period, 76% of the city’s population were of Jewish ethnicity.
The city hall and the Museum of History and Ethnography have expressed their interest in the rehabilitation and care of the historical traces of these populations, thus enhancing it as an important tourist destination. The “Jewish Cemetery – tourist destination for centuries”(„Cimitirul evreiesc – destinație turistică de secole”) project, with a budget of 50 thousand MDL, proposed the installation of “the cartographic map of the cemetery but also the tourist map of the city, the fence around the cemetery and the access gate will be repaired, a pavilion will be built, installed trash cans and of course, the cemetery will be tidied up.”
The documentary presents the Jewish Cemetery in Calarasi in its current state (May, 2023).
The Jewish Cemetery in Călăraşi, Moldova 2023, video, 7’ 20’’

The Jewish Cemetery in Călăraşi, Moldova 2023, multimedia installation (Installation simulation)

Information panels found at the entrance to the cemetery, 2023
The Jewish Cemetery in Călăraşi, Moldova 2023
Cimitirul Evreiesc din Călărași, Moldova
The Jewish cemetery in Călăraşi, Republic of Moldova is a place of cultural and historical importance. It is presented as a memorial museum dating from the beginning of the 19th century. The cemetery is divided into two parts – the old part, with graves before the Second World War, and the new part, with graves from after the war. In the interwar period, 76% of the city’s population were of Jewish ethnicity.
The city hall and the Museum of History and Ethnography have expressed their interest in the rehabilitation and care of the historical traces of these populations, thus enhancing it as an important tourist destination. The “Jewish Cemetery – tourist destination for centuries”(„Cimitirul evreiesc – destinație turistică de secole”) project, with a budget of 50 thousand MDL, proposed the installation of “the cartographic map of the cemetery but also the tourist map of the city, the fence around the cemetery and the access gate will be repaired, a pavilion will be built, installed trash cans and of course, the cemetery will be tidied up.”
The documentary presents the Jewish Cemetery in Calarasi in its current state (May, 2023).
The Jewish Cemetery in Călăraşi, Moldova 2023, video, 7’ 20’’

The Jewish Cemetery in Călăraşi, Moldova 2023, multimedia installation (Installation simulation)

Information panels found at the entrance to the cemetery, 2023